5 Ways Kermit the Frog is a Great Teacher - Quinn Rollins  @jedikermit | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
It's no secret that Kermit the Frog is one of my heroes. My Twitter handle is @jedikermit, my car's license plate is KERMIT, my desk toys, framed photos and magazine covers and artwork--I'm a fan of the frog. This week is Kermit the Frog's birthday (a matter of some dispute, but May 9 is cited most often these days), and it has me thinking about him. Like I wasn't anyway.

Part of the reason I've loved him -- and many of you have -- is that he's a great teacher. I first met him as a character on Sesame Street, not The Muppet Show or Muppet movies. And on Sesame Street, he was often the role of a grownup among more juvenile characters (you could argue the same for The Muppet Show, actually), teaching other characters and even real actual human children. There are five things in particular I love about How Kermit Teaches, that I think we can all learn from:

Via John Evans, malek