Curate Your Favorite Links Into a Weekly Email Newsletter with RefreshBox | APRENDIZAJE |

RefreshBox enables people to subscribe and create weekly 5-link-collection newsletters of their weekly professional best reads, tools or resources."


Robin Good:


Refreshbox offers a good opportunity for anyone wanting to warm up to content curation without needing to invest a truckload of time.

The new free service allows you to easily pick any webpage or resource you find online, and to add your personal title and description /commentary to it, while saving to a draft newsletter that will be sent out to your readers once a week.

Contrary to what is suggested on the "What's This" page on the Refreshbox site, I strongly recommend that you do not just pick but also introduce and contextualize the gems you find, that's the real-value you can provide, while Refreshbox takes care of providing free-of-charge: 

1. a web page for your curated newsletter(s), 

2. a searchable hub where others can find it and 

3. an easy-to-use subscription and distribution service without asking you anything in return.


Refreshbox allows you to place up to 5 links in each newsletter edition, and to hook up to other services (e.g.Product Hunt) to pick up your likes and preferences automatically and add them to your curated newsletter draft.


Excellent tool to warm-up to content curation by picking and collecting great resources to distribute via email.



Try it out now: 


Chrome extension: ;

Via Robin Good