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Je n’utilise pas Gmail, mais Google a quand même la plupart de mes emails

Je n’utilise pas Gmail, mais Google a quand même la plupart de mes emails | Education & Numérique |

"A chaque fois que j'envoie un mail à quelqu'un qui utilise Gmail, et à chaque fois qu'il m'en envoie un, Google a ce mail. (...)


Il y a quelques années, j'ai été surpris de découvrir que mon ami Peter Eckersley, une personne très soucieuse de sa vie privée qui est directeur de projets technologiques à l'Electronic Frontier Foundation, utilisait Gmail. Je lui ai demandé pourquoi il était d'accord pour donner des copies de tous ses mails à Google.

Peter a répondu que si tous vos amis utilisent Gmail, Google a vos emails de toute façon. A chaque fois que j'envoie un email à quelqu'un qui utilise Gmail, et à chaque fois qu'il m'en envoie un, Google a cet email..."


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Privacy Badger, a new open source browser add-on by EFF

Privacy Badger, a new open source browser add-on by EFF | Education & Numérique |

EFF has released its first version of Privacy Badger, a new open source browser add-on for Firefox and Chrome that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web.

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10 Common Web Tasks You Can Do Without Signing Up

10 Common Web Tasks You Can Do Without Signing Up | Education & Numérique |
Security bugs like Heartbleed make it abundantly clear that your logins and passwords are not safe. But what if you could use the Web for common tasks like uploading photos and videos or chatting with friends, all without signing up for an account? Guarding your privacy is important. There are obvious benefits to having logged…
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6 Extensions To Improve Privacy & Security On Firefox

6 Extensions To Improve Privacy & Security On Firefox | Education & Numérique |

"You are being watched on the Internet – but if you use Mozilla Firefox, some of its great add-ons can help protect your privacy and security on the Web. Now, be warned that none of these are going to be completely foolproof. In fact, there's is no completely safe way to use the Internet. But for most regular users, the protection that these extensions and tools offer will be enough as safeguards..."

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Espionnage : comment Orange et les services secrets coopèrent

Espionnage : comment Orange et les services secrets coopèrent | Education & Numérique |
Exclusif. Selon un document Snowden auquel « Le Monde » a eu accès, l'opérateur est un acteur essentiel du renseignement français.


"On apprend souvent davantage de choses sur soi par des gens qui n'appartiennent pas à votre famille. Les Britanniques, un peu malgré eux, viennent de nous éclairer sur les liens hautement confidentiels qui existent entre les services secrets français, la Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE) et l'opérateur historique de télécommunication France Télécom, qui a pris le nom d'Orange en février 2012..."

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Une nouvelle ère de consentement électronique

La protection des données personnelles est aujourd'hui au cœur des préoccupation de l'Union européenne.
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Yes, Online Privacy Really Is Possible |

Yes, Online Privacy Really Is Possible | | Education & Numérique |

A few short weeks ago, we were conducting a security training for a group of journalists in Palestine. The journalists were deeply aware of the potential threats facing them—and by not one, but three governments—but didn’t have the first idea of how to mitigate against those threats. “It’s too confusing!” claimed one, while another said it was futile.


Unfortunately, these reactions are all too typical. We’ve heard from a variety of populations all over the world. Despite all of the awareness-raising around surveillance that has taken place over the last year, many individuals feel disempowered, helpless to fight back.


Efforts such as the February 11 initiative the Day We Fight Back aim to empower individuals to lobby their representatives for better regulation of mass surveillance. But legislation and policy are only part of the solution.


In order to successfully protect our privacy, we must take an approach that looks at the whole picture: our behavior, the potential risks we face in disclosing data, and the person or entity posing those risks, whether a government or company. And in order to successfully fight off the feeling of futility, we must understand the threats we face.


In a recent piece for Slate, Cyrus Nemati hems and haws over the complexities of creating a private online existence, ultimately choosing to give up on Internet privacy and embrace the convenience of sharing. While working at an organization that advocates for digital rights, Nemati found himself anxious about his personal privacy and took steps that made browsing “a chore”; later, after getting married and wanting access to social tools, he claims he “learned … to love a less private Internet.”


The truth is that most of us simply can’t protect ourselves from every threat 100 percent of the time, and trying to do so is a recipe for existential dread. But once we understand our threat model—what we want to keep private and whom we want to protect it from—we can start to make decisions about how we live our lives online. You’ll find yourself empowered, not depressed.


Threat modeling is an approach undertaken by the security community. It looks at the specific circumstances of the individual and the potential threats facing him or her and makes a diagnosis (and a prescription) on that basis. Threat modeling looks at what a person has to protect (her assets), who she has to protect those assets from (her threat), the likelihood that she will need to protect them, her willingness to do so, and the potential consequences of not taking precautions.


A teacher in suburban California doesn’t have the same set of online privacy concerns than a journalist in Palestine. And the kinds of steps the teacher might take to protect his personal photos from nosey students and their parents are quite different from the precautions the journalist might take to protect her anonymous sources from being identified by the government.


Some us don’t want our Internet browsing habits tracked by companies like Google and Facebook. Some of us don’t want the NSA reading our emails. But without enumerating our threats and our assets, it’s easy to choose tools that are inappropriate or unnecessary to the task at hand.


The schoolteacher probably doesn’t need to PGP-encrypt his email or run every privacy-enhancing app and plugin, like Nemati did in his privacy hipster phase. The journalist might find that taking the time to use PGP gives her peace of mind.


Click headline to read more--


Via Chuck Sherwood, Former Senior Associate, TeleDimensions, Inc
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Threatwatch : Data Map of World Data Breaches

Threatwatch : Data Map of World Data Breaches | Education & Numérique |

"ThreatWatch is a snapshot of the data breaches hitting organizations and individuals, globally, on a daily basis.

It is not an authoritative list, since many compromises are never reported or even discovered."

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Why should I reveal my 'real identity' online? Anonymity isn't so terrible

Why should I reveal my 'real identity' online? Anonymity isn't so terrible | Education & Numérique |

Via The Digital Rocking Chair
Terheck's insight:

Un excellent article sur l'identité en ligne, les identités multiples et l'anonymat sur internet.

Amethyst Mayer's curator insight, December 27, 2014 3:39 AM

This is another article that talks about the issue of Online anonymity, taking more of the insight that people are able to "display the less appealing parts of their nature." by being anonymous online.

Kate Isabelle Fincher's curator insight, December 28, 2014 1:03 AM

6# great look on the context of anonymity and why we enjoy it so

Erica Laing's curator insight, December 29, 2014 1:03 AM

Interesting thoughts on multiple online accounts and why we should we have profiles online.

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How the NSA hacks PCs, phones, routers, hard disks 'at speed of light': Spy tech catalog leaks

How the NSA hacks PCs, phones, routers, hard disks 'at speed of light': Spy tech catalog leaks | Education & Numérique |
It's not as bad as you thought - it's much worse

Via Gust MEES
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La NSA a "continuellement" enfreint la loi pour collecter des données I #privacy #NSA #DataAwareness

La NSA a "continuellement" enfreint la loi pour collecter des données I #privacy #NSA #DataAwareness | Education & Numérique |
D'anciens juges de la cour censée surveiller l'agence de renseignement américaine ont dénoncé à plusieurs reprises des collectes illégales de données.

Via luiy
luiy's curator insight, November 20, 2013 4:39 AM


Dans son ordonnance, Colleen Kollar-Kotelly s'interroge notamment sur deux techniques, qui permettent d'enregistrer les informations entrantes et sortantes des communications téléphoniques (et potentiellement internet) : le "pen register"et les "trap & trace devices". Des méthodes de collecte jamais clairement définies par la loi, qui englobent selon elle "un spectre exceptionnellement large de collecte" de données.

Le juge John Bates, qui lui a succédé en 2006, abonde dans son sens : "La NSA a continuellement outrepassé les limites de l'acquisition légale" d'informations."Presque chaque" enregistrement réalisé par le programme "comprenait des données dont la collecte n'était pas autorisée", écrit-il. Or, le quotidien britannique rapportait en août qu'un vide juridique permettait à l'agence américaine d'exploiterdes informations collectées illégalement (en dehors de tout mandat), mais "par inadvertance". Quelques jours plus tard, l'actuel président de la FISC, Reggie B. Walton, reconnaissait dans le Washington Post manquer de moyens pour menersa mission de surveillance de la NSA.

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Three Leaks, Three Weeks, and What We've Learned About the US Government's Other Spying Authority: Executive Order 12333

Three Leaks, Three Weeks, and What We've Learned About the US Government's Other Spying Authority: Executive Order 12333 | Education & Numérique |
A Washington Post article reveals that the National Security Agency has been siphoning off data from the links between Yahoo and Google data centers, which include the fiber optic connections between company servers at various points around the...
Terheck's insight:

Another article about NSA spying on the Guardian:

"NSA FILE: DECODED. What the revelation mean for you" :

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Rescooped by Terheck from e-recrutement, e-réputation, réseaux sociaux!

[Infographie] Internet et vie privée dans le monde

[Infographie] Internet et vie privée dans le monde | Education & Numérique |
Après le palmarès des pays selon la liberté d'Internet, voici maintenant celui des pays qui respectent le plus la confidentialité et la vie privée. Petit tour

Via Tiphanie Routier, claudine pierron
Ugo - James Grillis's curator insight, October 24, 2013 5:24 AM

Cela alimentera le débat de façon beaucoup plus colorée #NSA #Roll

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Who Has Your Back 2014: Protecting Your Data From Government Requests

Who Has Your Back 2014: Protecting Your Data From Government Requests | Education & Numérique |

"When governments are after your personal data, which online services will stand up and defend it? In our fourth annual Who Has Your Back report, we look at companies' public policies and practices, so that privacy-conscious consumers can make an informed decision about who to trust with their most sensitive data..."

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Love Chrome, But Love Your Privacy And Security Even More? Try Aviator

Love Chrome, But Love Your Privacy And Security Even More? Try Aviator | Education & Numérique |
We live within our web browsers. You're reading this article in a web browser. You probably check your email in a web browser. I order my groceries in a web browser. I buy books in a web browser. Web browsers are pretty important. But we never really think about them within the context of security…
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Give it a try.

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The ACLU launch the NSA Documents Database

The ACLU launch the NSA Documents Database | Education & Numérique |

The ACLU hopes to facilitate the debate by making these documents more easily accessible and understandable.

This tool will be an up-to-date, complete collection of previously secret NSA documents made public since last June. The database is designed to be easily searchable – by title, category, or content – so that the public, researchers, and journalists can readily home in on the information they are looking for.

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The Facebook Conditioning Effect

The Facebook Conditioning Effect | Education & Numérique |
What social networking has (and hasn't) taught us about protecting our data.


"To make it simple, just think of the 3-2-1 rule: Keep three copies of valuable data on two different types of media, and one copy at a remote location. Remember, though, while tools like Dropbox and Box are a good starting point, they’re not foolproof when it comes to security, so finding the right balance of security and simplicity is a key part of the process."

Via Thomas Faltin
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3 Security Tips For Every User From NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

3 Security Tips For Every User From NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden | Education & Numérique |
Here's what Snowden shared at SXSW about protecting your information from surveillance.


- Full disk encryption

- Network encryption

- Tor

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Que reste-t-il de notre vie privée sur Internet ?

Que reste-t-il de notre vie privée sur Internet ? | Education & Numérique |

"Photos, données personnelles, géolocalisation… Au fil des ans, notre vie intime est devenue de moins en moins privée. Et on y est un peu pour quelque chose..."

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INFOGRAPHIC: The risk of posting in social networks

INFOGRAPHIC: The risk of posting in social networks | Education & Numérique |

You have the right to remain private. Anything you post can and will be used against you.

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3 moteurs de recherche qui respectent votre vie privée

3 moteurs de recherche qui respectent votre vie privée | Education & Numérique |
Depuis l’affaire Prism et les révélations d’Edward Snowden, le grand public a été sensibilisé aux problèmes de confidentialité sur le net et notamment lorsque l’on effectue une recherche sur un moteur de recherche comme Google.
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3 alternatives aux moteurs de recherche un peu trop curieux :

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Your Gmail Is About To Get Even Less Private

Your Gmail Is About To Get Even Less Private | Education & Numérique |
If you're a Gmail user, you probably also have a Google+ account. Until now, that likely meant nothing to you.
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U.S. Government Has Weaponized the Internet. Here's How They Did It.

U.S. Government Has Weaponized the Internet. Here's How They Did It. | Education & Numérique |
The internet backbone -- the infrastructure of networks upon which internet traffic travels -- went from being a passive infrastructure for communication to an active weapon for attacks.
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Vie privée et protection des données personnelles sur le Net

Vie privée et protection des données personnelles sur le Net | Education & Numérique |

"Respect de la vie privée et protection des données personnelles peuvent rétablir la confiance des consommateurs dans la société numérique.

La proposition de la Commission européenne d'harmoniser les services de communications électroniques dans l'Union européenne limitera indûment la liberté sur Internet selon le Contrôleur européen de la protection des données (CEPD). Dans son avis, le CEPD se félicite de l'inclusion dans le texte du principe de neutralité du Net - la transmission impartiale de l'information sur Internet -, mais indique que ce principe est en même temps dépourvu de sa substance en raison du droit presque illimité des fournisseurs d'accès de gérer le trafic Internet..."

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Cryptocat : let you chat with privacy

Cryptocat : let you chat with privacy | Education & Numérique |

"Cryptocat is free software that aims to provide an open, accessible Instant Messaging environment that encrypts your conversations and works right in your browser."

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