Level Up: Video Games Are The New Educational Hack | Education & Numérique | Scoop.it
National design competitions and penguin avatars are helping youth see success in math, coding and computational thinking.


"Video games are often at the center of negative press for their effect on children. But that's not the only story that can be told. Video games used as teaching tools can change lives and impart excellent skills...


But children can also learn from the creation of and interaction with video games dispelling the harsh stigma of the child/video game complex and bringing a revolution to the educational system. A revolution that will be gamified.


Video games utilized for education can have unique and positive effects. Two programs make this very clear: The National STEM Video Game Challenge is an annual call for middle to high schoolers to submit their own video game designs and compete on the national level with other children their age. By designing their own games, children learn the ins and outs of coding, strategy and digital creation..."