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De la veille à la curation de contenus

De la veille à la curation de contenus | Education & Numérique |

"Dans le cadre de la réforme du collège, l’inspection a mis en place trois modules de formation de 6h chacun,  à destination des professeurs-documentalistes de Paris et intitulés « de l’identité à la présence numérique », « ressources numériques et droits d’usage » et « de la veille à la curation de contenus ». (...)"


Par Claire Cassaigne, professeur documentaliste

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Je profite du sujet abordé ici pour remettre le lien vers mon diaporama  sur la veille et la curation :


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Twitter prepares to launch curated news service

Twitter prepares to launch curated news service | Education & Numérique |
Twitter has announced an initiative called Project Lightning, in an attempt to push further into the world of curated media
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Rescooped by Terheck from Content Curation World!

Content Curation Lands on Google+: Introducing Collections

Content Curation Lands on Google+: Introducing Collections | Education & Numérique |

Via Robin Good
Nurita Sánchez's curator insight, January 29, 2016 3:13 PM

Cómo usar las colecciones:

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, November 2, 2016 4:57 AM
This is interesting because it shows how far the concept of 'Curation' has come in the last 10 years. I don't remember much about it but I remember that in the early days of Blogger, perhaps even before Google bought it, they had a tool or bookmarklet or some little button that had certain curation abilities. My first blog was on Blogger and I remember using that tool.

Later, I maintained a Posterous blog for a couple of years...maybe more. I liked Posterous a lot and was very sad when they sold it (Posterous) to Yahoo and then about a year later those jerks at Yahoo closed it down. I thought Posterous was a very nice blog with just the right amount of features to get the job done without getting too technical.

Felix Grobe's curator insight, June 9, 2018 10:43 AM

Google has just introduced "Collections", for Google+, a new service which allows any Google+ user to group his posts by topic and to create public, shareable collections of his favorite links, articles, videos and images.

To use Google Collections, simply go to your G+ profile page and then select "Collections" on the drop down menu appearing on the top left part of the page.

"Each collection can be shared publicly, privately, or with a custom set of people. Once you create your first collection, your profile will display a new tab where other people can find and follow your collections."

You can either create new posts containing whatever type of content inside a collection, or assign an existing, published post to a collection you have just created.

You can create as many collections as you like.

Google+ Collections is available on the web and on Android (iOS coming later).

My comment: Google+ Collections adds opportunity for creating additional value to G+ users by letting interests drive community engagement. This is a feature that sooner or later any social network will offer. 

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

More info:

Official Google announcement: 

Featured collections: 

See also the official review from Techcrunch: 

Video tutorial: 

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32 outils de curation pour ne plus rien oublier sur le web

32 outils de curation pour ne plus rien oublier sur le web | Education & Numérique |

Retrouvez ici une liste d'outils de curation avec les explications en français... 

Via RG Mobility
Terheck's insight:

Une liste assez complète, mais dans un français approximatif, et qui mériterait une mise à jour. Des informations intéressantes cependant.

Daniel Morgenstern's curator insight, January 8, 2017 5:22 AM
Les descriptions ne permettent pas vraiment de saisir ce qui différencie un outil de curation de l'autre et elles contiennent pas mal d'erreurs de langue mais ce diaporama a l'avantage de fournir une liste d'outils de curation et de partage d'info. Cliquez sur les liens pour en savoir plus, notamment sur les prix (que vaut la version free ?) et les interfaces.
Willem Kuypers's curator insight, January 9, 2017 6:21 PM
Simplement une liste d'outils de curation.
Emilie Geoffroy-Ponson's curator insight, January 11, 2017 7:28 AM
Avec tout ça plus rien ne vous échappera !
Rescooped by Terheck from InformationCommunication (ICT)!

Teaching with Content Curation

Teaching with Content Curation | Education & Numérique |

"Content curation is “…the process of collecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular topic. Teacher content curation can be used by students and students can be asked to show expertise with examples of curation.” In my 8th grade ICT class we will be completing webquests on content curation as a teach method of introducing students to “Content Curation.” The following text reviews what content curation is and it’s purpose, along with several content curation platforms, what a webquest is, and followed by a lesson plan I will use in my classes..."

Via Dan Kirsch
Iolanda Bueno de Camargo Cortelazzo's curator insight, March 14, 2015 10:41 AM

Again, some instructions very useful for those who are beginning in Curation  for Education.


Jocelyn Bassett's curator insight, April 2, 2015 10:50 PM

Digital curation includes the up-keeping, safeguarding and enhancing of digital data throughout its duration.

Willem Kuypers's curator insight, May 28, 2015 5:34 PM

La curation est aussi utilisable au cours !

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Curation : et si on parlait un peu stratégie ?

"Trop de curateurs amateurs se jettent sur Scoop it ou  Et ils oublient le b.a.-ba de la curation : d’abord déterminer votre stratégie !


La curation est très en vogue en ce moment.  Tout le monde en fait ou presque.

Mais la curation, qu’est-ce que c’est ? (...)


A force de parler « curation » en association avec Internet, on en oublie qu’il s’agit en fait d’un vieux mot latin qui signifie « celui qui prend soin de » ..."

Terheck's insight:

Un article intéressant sur la curation et les stratégies à mettre en place pour créer une réelle valeur ajoutée à tous les articles que nous partageons avec des outils comme

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Digital Curation: Definitions, Tools, and Strategies

The slides were used in my talk about digital curation given at the Central NY ASTD Event held at the Everson Museum on 7/31/14

Via catspyjamasnz
Joyce Valenza's curator insight, August 12, 2014 8:10 AM

Concise, attractive overview of the field/

GwynethJones's curator insight, August 12, 2014 10:00 AM

You know I had to scoop this!

Damien Colmant's curator insight, August 13, 2014 5:29 AM

'Puiser de l'information sur internet, c'est comme s'abreuver depuis une bouche à incendie' ... La curation permet de filtrer ce qui correspond à vos centres d'intérêts et ainsi abreuver votre marque personnelle.

Rescooped by Terheck from Content Curation World!

Great Examples of How Content Curation Tools Can Be Effectively Used In Education

Great Examples of How Content Curation Tools Can Be Effectively Used In Education | Education & Numérique |

Via Robin Good
John Gougoulis's curator insight, August 19, 2014 6:34 AM

An absolutely significant skill in any research or investigation, for educators and learners in the digital age - the curation of content- with a clear focus or question in mind, the capacity to target a search field, sift through, reflect on and make decisions about the most suitable resource or evidence to use. What a great learning experience.

Alina Dogaru's curator insight, December 19, 2014 4:42 AM

Forstå og komme i gang med kurator tjenester.

Carlos Germán Murillo's curator insight, December 9, 2018 6:02 PM
La curación de contenidos abre una nueva puerta al aprendizaje y es que nos volvemos partícipes de la cadena, cuando nos detenemos a clasificar, analizar y publicar los contenidos que son más afines y relevantes según nuestras necesidades.
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4 ways to integrate with WordPress

4 ways to integrate with WordPress | Education & Numérique |
Before we even launched our public version, we recognized that a lot of content curators were also occasional or regular bloggers and started to offer ways to integrate with Wordpress - the leading blogging platform. Since then, we've seen a lot of our users leverage this integration as well as more and more of our Enterprise clients wanting to combine content curation through and the CMS capabilities of Wordpress for their sites. So we've multiplied the ways you could integrate with a Wordpress site or blog and including the recent addition of the plugin for Wordpress for our Enterprise clients. Continue reading →
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1,000,000 people and businesses are now using!

1,000,000 people and businesses are now using! | Education & Numérique |
Interest-based content curation was only a vision 2 years ago when we launched: in a post Web 2.0 world, we felt that more and more we are the content we publish. Whether we liked it or not, we would all need to become media - a problem for busy professionals who don’t have time or inspiration for that and whose primary expertise is often not to be a content publisher.

Since then, publishing-by-curation rapidly turned into an important trend as 1,000,000 freelance professionals, community managers, content marketers, educators, knowledge managers, thought leaders, and more are now using to demonstrate and share their professional expertise, develop visibility for their small or mid-sized businesses or to make the company they work for smarter. Continue reading →
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Principales caractéristiques des outils de veille et de curation

Principales caractéristiques des outils de veille et de curation | Education & Numérique |
Olivier Milo's curator insight, March 17, 2014 8:56 AM

Overview of curation tools compiled by Aix Marseille University

Stéphane Crémier's curator insight, April 6, 2016 2:53 AM
Beau tableau de synthèse ! Il faudrait mettre à jour le commentaire sur Pearltrees dont la présentation en "perles" a été abandonnée au profit d'une présentation en "pavés" (très ressemblant à Bundlr).
Rescooped by Terheck from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français!

La curation de contenu, de quoi s'agit-il ?

La curation de contenu, de quoi s'agit-il ? | Education & Numérique |
Terme assez récent apparu probablement en 2009 aux Etats-Unis, la curation désigne dans le domaine du web une activité de sélection de contenus suivie d'une diffusion à des lecteurs potentiels.

Via Elena Pérez
Terheck's insight:

La curation : Pourquoi ? Comment ? En quoi diffère-t-elle de la simple agrégation de contenu ?

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Rescooped by Terheck from Daring Ed Tech!

10 tips to curate like a rockstar

Content curation is a great way to shine on the Web. But how do we make this easy and practical? At we're constantly amazed by the great work our awesome curators do with their content. 

Via Guillaume Decugis, GwynethJones
Terheck's insight:

Clear, simple, short... Just great.

José Antônio Carlos - O Professor Pepe's curator insight, February 3, 2014 5:28 AM

Os caminhos para dar visibilidade a ações de curadoria na perspectiva de Guillaume Decugis

Alexandre Saint-Jean's curator insight, February 3, 2014 3:35 PM

Curation is all about contents, so take care of what your are publishing, and you should get awarded for you work as a Rockstar, but keep in mind these few tips if you want to win a Grammy !

Fast Moving Targets's comment, February 11, 2014 12:10 PM
To be honest, all those people that want to be rock stars. From startups to content curators. Forget it! You're not!
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Pearltrees lance une offre pour les enseignants et le monde de l'éducation

Pearltrees lance une offre pour les enseignants et le monde de l'éducation | Education & Numérique |

Pearltrees, outil de partage et d'organisation des contenus web, vient de lancer une intéressante offre à destination des enseignants et plus largement du monde de l'éducation. 

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E-book gratuit sur la curation de contenu

E-book gratuit sur la curation de contenu | Education & Numérique |

"Jusqu’à présent, il existait peu d’ouvrages sur la curation de contenu, de référence et en français. Forts de notre expérience en veille, nous avons sollicités 8 experts en gestion de la connaissance et en marketing digital, afin d’apporter ensemble  une explication exhaustive sur le potentiel et les opportunités de « la curation de contenu »..."

Via Stéphane Cottin, FrancoisMagnan
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32 outils de curation pour ne plus rien oublier sur le web

32 outils de curation pour ne plus rien oublier sur le web | Education & Numérique |

Retrouvez ici une liste d'outils de curation avec les explications en français... 

Via RG Mobility
Daniel Morgenstern's curator insight, January 8, 2017 5:22 AM
Les descriptions ne permettent pas vraiment de saisir ce qui différencie un outil de curation de l'autre et elles contiennent pas mal d'erreurs de langue mais ce diaporama a l'avantage de fournir une liste d'outils de curation et de partage d'info. Cliquez sur les liens pour en savoir plus, notamment sur les prix (que vaut la version free ?) et les interfaces.
Willem Kuypers's curator insight, January 9, 2017 6:21 PM
Simplement une liste d'outils de curation.
Emilie Geoffroy-Ponson's curator insight, January 11, 2017 7:28 AM
Avec tout ça plus rien ne vous échappera !
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How does Curated Content differ from Duplicate Content? | Blog

How does Curated Content differ from Duplicate Content? | Blog | Education & Numérique |
Content curation is completely different from duplicate content as it adds value to an audience and brings SEO benefits.
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ElCurator. Outil de veille et de curation collaboratif

ElCurator. Outil de veille et de curation collaboratif | Education & Numérique |

"ElCurator est un outil de veille complet pour l’entreprise. Il va vous permettre de trouver et de partager facilement des contenus en équipe.

Comment faire face à l’infobesité galopante qui noie sur le web les ressources pertinentes dans le flux numérique ? Comment développer dans l’entreprise un esprit de veille et d’intelligence collective et partagée ? C’est à ces deux enjeux stratégiques importants pour l’entreprise que tente de répondre ElCurator..."

Terheck's insight:

lien direct :

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PKM for Academia & Librarians - Content Curation Tools: Alternatives to!

PKM for Academia & Librarians - Content Curation Tools: Alternatives to! | Education & Numérique |

"There are different aspects of content curation that have to be considered when evaluating tools. Just like a crossroads with many different paths, your tool choice determines the direction of your content curation activities (...)"

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Scooped by Terheck! et la curation de contenus prennent-ils le pas sur Twitter ? | Lettres Numériques et la curation de contenus prennent-ils le pas sur Twitter ? | Lettres Numériques | Education & Numérique |

" est une start-up du web 2.0 créé à la fin de 2010 par deux Toulousains, Guillaume Decugis et Marc Rougier. Web et ambitions nord-américaines obligent, l’interface est anglophone et le projet lancé à partir de San Francisco. Est-ce là encore une de ces énièmes start-ups que l’on imagine fleurir sur la côte Ouest des États-Unis? Peut-être que oui, peut-être que non : propose un service de curation et de partage de contenus qui, au dire de certains, prendrait le pas sur un site de partage d’informations comme Twitter. (...)"

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Learning and Teaching with Content Curation: an Academic Introduction

A digital essay completed by Heather Bailie as part of the assessment requirements of #INF530 Concepts & Practices for a Digital Age.

Via Robin Good
Nancy White's curator insight, August 10, 2014 2:06 PM

A good review of curation in education.

Christoph Meier's curator insight, August 11, 2014 4:20 AM

Hilfreicher Übersichtsartikel mit Links zu verschiedenen Beiträgen in peer reviewed journals.

Mark Monsen's curator insight, May 6, 2015 11:21 PM

All about curation, some great educational models

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How, Google Plus & Twitter can turn chaos into order

How, Google Plus & Twitter can turn chaos into order | Education & Numérique |

If you do anything professionally related to online technology, you understand the immense amount of data you need to sort through each day. There are the daily content roundups, blogs to read, Facebook posts and to check, tweets to scroll through and news sites. That doesn’t include whatever else arrives in your in-box. I literally cannot keep up with all that I want to know about social media technology and its use for engagement, fundraising and advocacy.

It’s really too much to know. That’s when I began trusting the curators.


Trusting the curators was a strategy I employed to begin to figure out what to read, what I needed to read, and what others whom I trusted thought was important to read. We cannot read it all. We cannot begin to imagine trying to read it all. We must trust to the curators.

Trusting others to curate content has become my primary means for gathering relevant information about social media and particularly nonprofit technology.

Monica S Mcfeeters's curator insight, April 25, 2014 11:52 PM

This is about what makes curating worth the time.

John Rudkin's curator insight, April 26, 2014 6:30 AM

Curation is all about trust.  I too cut to the cause by keeping in the know via great curators.

Joyce Cordus's curator insight, April 30, 2014 2:23 AM

This is really helpful to get the best out of all these tools!

Rescooped by Terheck from Veille SEO - Référencement web - Sémantique!

Veille : une méthode simple pour une veille quotidienne

Voici ma méthode personnelle pour assurer une veille au quotidien sur les sujets qui m'intéressent. A l'aide d'outils gratuits, l'objectif est de déployer fa...

Via Ma veille
GAULTIER's curator insight, April 7, 2014 3:37 AM

des outils gratuits  pour une veille gratuite

nihal abitiu's curator insight, April 11, 2014 6:46 AM

le méthode simple pour assurer une veille au quotidien

Rescooped by Terheck from Journaliste, web, réseaux sociaux!

La curation de contenus pour accélérer le développement des talents

La curation de contenus pour accélérer le développement des talents | Education & Numérique |
Au royaume de l'information, le renseignement est roi ! Pour demeurer agiles et compétitives, les organisations doivent s'informer en continu et apprendre sans cesse. Alors comment capitaliser sur ...

Via Aqui!Presse Formation&Conseils
Cadic Services's curator insight, April 22, 2014 11:26 AM

Article complet pour découvrir l'importance de la curation, les différentes formes, et les outils.

Jean Louis NAUD's curator insight, April 28, 2014 2:05 PM

Tous curateurs ? individuellement et collectivement ?

Les outils existent...les bonnes pratiques sont identifiées, les risques aussi. Reste à se convaincre et se lancer, non ?

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7 Qualities of Highly Effective Content Curators

7 Qualities of Highly Effective Content Curators | Education & Numérique |
Every time I visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, I see something I’ve never seen before. In fact, t’s considered the most influential museum of modern art in the world. With that in mind, meet Klaus Biesenbach. Klaus holds the title “Chief Curator at Large” at MoMA. If you’ve visited the MoMA and walked away impressed (like I have), Klaus has a lot to do with that.

As content curators, we should all aspire to be like Klaus. After all, wouldn’t it be great if our content collections drew as much interest, respect and admiration as the collections at MoMA? In order to achieve this feat, we need to become highly effective content curators. In other words, we need to curate Internet content as we would fine art.

Let’s consider seven habits of content creation that would make Klaus Biesenbach proud. Continue reading →
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