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Scooped by Robin Good
May 22, 2012 1:32 PM!

Google Hangouts On-Air Is Live: Check Your Account

Google Hangouts On-Air Is Live: Check Your Account | Online Video Publishing |

Robin Good: Google Hangouts On-Air is finally live and accessible inside my Google + account.

You can check whether you can now live stream from Google+ and YouTube by logging in inside your G+ account and creating a new hangout. If you see the checkmark allowing you to activate the "on-air" feature, you are all set.

Find out now: 

For a full comprehensive guide on how to use Google Hangouts On-Air, please check out this one: 

Gianluca Orrico's comment, May 23, 2012 3:56 AM
thanks robin, but in italy the option there isn't. Do you know something?
Robin Good's comment, May 23, 2012 4:08 AM
Hi Gianluca, also in Italy is available eccome! Maybe it is not yet active in your account but it will be soon.
Scooped by Robin Good
May 7, 2012 10:58 AM!

Live Video Streaming: Google Hangouts On-Air Now Available for All

From the official announcement: "Today we're excited to launch Hangouts On Air to Google+ users worldwide. So if you have something to say—as an aspiring artist, a global celebrity, or a concerned citizen—you can now go live in front of a global audience.

With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to:
Broadcast publicly. By checking "Enable Hangouts On Air," you can broadcast your live hangout—from the Google+ stream, your YouTube channel or your website—to the entire world.

See how many viewers you’ve got. During your broadcast, you can look inside the hangout to see how many people are watching live.

Record and re-share. Once you're off the air, we’ll upload a public recording to your YouTube channel, and to your original Google+ post. This way it's easy to share and discuss your broadcast after it's over.

Of course, launching millions of live stations takes some doing, so we're rolling out Hangouts On Air gradually, over the next few weeks."

Official announcement: 

Find out more:

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