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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
April 15, 2014 6:52 AM!

The Future of Video Is About Learning How To Tell Great Emotional Stories

"...interviews with people from Vimeo, Adobe, Blackmagic design, Motionographer, Cinema 4D, Sehsucht, Mashable, Digital Bolex and many more."

Robin Good's insight:

In this SxSW set of video interviews captured by Wipster (a collaborative video review and approval service) with some of the "experts" in the online video publishing field, you can hear most of what you already know and expect from the future of video: 4K, real-time editing, effects, 3D, small screens and more. 

What instead emerges as the real challenge though, is to realize that no matter what kind of tools and services you use, the difficult part is to have a good story and to learn how to tell it on video.

Tools are great and easy indeed, but they don't make anyone a capable storyteller instantly. This is what we really need to work on.

No need to view all 12+ minutes of the video. Just check the first and the last interview in this clip and you will get the real meat.  

Insightful. Informative. 7/10

Original video: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Encoding video
May 20, 2012 3:19 AM!

Next Generation Television Formats: UHDTV 4K and 8K

Next Generation Television Formats: UHDTV 4K and 8K | Online Video Publishing |

Television progress continues. In the late 1990s, the ITU defined the parameter values for HDTV and the 720p families.


At its meeting in May 2012, ITU-R Working party 6C, the same group, made the leap forward to the parameter values for the next two generations of television formats.


These are the (current name) 4K and 8K UHDTV formats - Ultra High Definition Television.


The new formats take advantage of future displays' greater colour range,  have the option of 'constant luminance' encoding, and allow up to 120 pictures/second. They are constructed as multiples of the 1920 x 1080 format in ITU-R Rec. 709.

Video: ;


Demo of UHDTV: ;

 Full article: ;

Via Olivier NOEL