Adaptive Live Video Streaming: Everything You Need To Know [Video] | Online Video Publishing |

From the article: "In a 45-minute session at the recent Streaming Media West conference in Los Angeles, MTV Jan Ozer taught a roomful of attendees the basics and complexities of adaptive streaming.

“There’s two basic types of adaptive streaming technologies: one is a server-based technology, and the primary server-based technology now is RTMP Flash. With a server-based technology, the server is in charge of delivering a different stream to the player,”...

“With an HTTP-based system, which is HTTP Flash, HTTP Live Streaming — or HLS, which is the Apple system — the player monitors the same characteristics, but it’s in charge of going to get a different stream when the circumstances dictate a stream change, ...

If you are looking to learn more about adaptive streaming and its encoding needs, as well as related concepts, such as keyframes, chunking, and manifest files you need to check this video out:,AAAAADEURYw~,kpjcfLGBbVfV_nqUUCkA1vYpmRTGak7R&bctid=1352506026001 

Full article: 

(Curated by Robin Good)